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Department of Industry, Science and Resources

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Sustainability at Department of Industry, Science and Resources

6.1 rating for Sustainability, based on 15 reviews
Please comment on your company's efforts in this area.
Seems to be quite high, special lavatory facilities and low emissions light bulbs, etc.
Graduate, Canberra
Within reason, there are compost bins, but its not like we are stabling solar panels around building, their biggest impact actually comes from some of the policies that they help implement.
Graduate, Canberra
I've noticed efforts have been made to encourage recycling in the workplace and believe there is a committee that is focused on sustainability in the workplace.
Graduate, Canberra
I rarely hear about initiatives and definitely not from SES. We can't even recycle properly. The sustainability committee is run by volunteers, and rarely has support.
Graduate, Canberra
They have sustainability committee and recycling and compost bins but think some work can be done to support a paperless office and more area for people to store their bikes to support more environmentally friendly ways of getting to the office.
Graduate, Canberra
Internally, there are passive ways that staff are contributing to sustainability. Including not printing off items that don't need to be printed, reduction of single use cutlery, and recycling bins. DISR is also actively working in policy areas that are contributing to reduction environmental impact for Australian industries and the public. Unfortunately laboratories have high waste, but there is a high priority to ensure that all waste is disposed of correctly and doesn't harm the environment.
Graduate, Melbourne