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Career Prospects at Quantium

7.7 rating for Career Prospects, based on 40 reviews
Please tell us about promotion possibilities and fill us in on what it takes to move up the ranks.
It's quite an ambiguous career progression post-rolling off the grad program. There's a huge umbrella role called 'contributor' which you could sit in forever which makes it hard to distinguish differences in salary before being promoted to the 'Senior' level.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Sep 2024
Promotion Possibilities Exist but I am not too sure how to go up the ranks.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Nov 2023
hierarchy is fairly flat, however, there is a rough outline on what it takes to move up the ranks
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Nov 2023
While the post-grad promotion is clear, it is unclear what the process is like after this.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Nov 2023
I think there are possibilities to be promoted although there is no clear pathway to achieving so. It really depends on the needs of the company/team and your relationship with the people above your ranks.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Nov 2023
After the grad program ends I will move to a contributor level which comes with a nice pay increase and the opportunity to change teams to learn different things. There is a proficiency checklist with 100s of simple tasks to tick off to ensure that graduates are proficient in the tools my company uses.
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Nov 2023
Progression and promotion seems quite good, very achievable in just a few years.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
At 1 YoE - promotion to Contributor Contributor to Senior Engineer dependent on YoE alongside pushing performance goals.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
Promotion occurs dependent on availability and working to your best ability. It seems to be a fair process and not too complex
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Nov 2023
Not super convinced that there's lots of opportunity for promotion, but convinced people get rewarded for good work
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
After successful completion of the grad program I will become a contributor but after that promotions are harder to come by. It is quite difficult to progress which while it may seem like a bad thing is honestly a good thing at a company level. It means that managers and leads are all very deserving of their positions and capable of training and supporting younger staff as well as completing their work to a quality standard.
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Nov 2023
Promotion opportunities are good. You need to develop both commercial and technical skills to move up the ranks. There has been no in-house "politics" which affect promotions
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
I think there's potential to move up if you show innovation and leadership. It does seem like it depends on luck and your interpersonal relationships too though.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
There is a pretty clear path for career progression within each department but it varies.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
Graduate to contributor in 1 year. Contributor to senior within 2 years. Further up, it's a matter of assuming of extra responsibilities to progress up. Career progression is pretty clear for data analysts - transparency was given by the CEO regarding this.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
Clear role structure but would like further pay transparency of roles.
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023
Career progression at Quantium is clear and constantly discussed with our people leader. All graduates are promoted to Contributors at the end of their program. Afterwards, promotions are based on performance and meeting objectives which are formally set every year.
Graduate, Sydney - 31 Oct 2023