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WSP New Zealand

  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Culture at WSP New Zealand

8.2 rating for Culture, based on 26 reviews
Please describe your company's culture both in the office and after hours. Let us know about the structure and hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork, and socialising amongst colleagues.
The team does not cooperate.
Graduate, Auckland - 09 Nov 2023
could organized more social activities with colleague, outside of office
Graduate, Wellington - 09 Nov 2023
WSP subsidised Auckland marathon entry fee and set up tent at end. They do other activities as a company. Auckland office is quiet large which makes culture difficult. I would describe culture as very collaborative. Hierarchy/structure is sometimes siloed due to having so many disciplines. We have events such as coffee roulettes to stimulate inter-departmental socialisation.
Graduate, Auckland - 09 Nov 2023
Great team, we are all very supportive of each other
Graduate, New Plymouth - 09 Nov 2023
The company has a great culture which encourages a good work-life balance. Within my team there is a strong sense of teamwork and we have regular social catch-ups during and outside of work hours. Given the nature of work there is occasionally work items sent through during weekends which there can sometimes be a pressure to respond to.
Graduate, Nelson - 09 Nov 2023
Can go to anyone for help, all people are friendly and welcoming
Graduate, Auckland - 09 Nov 2023
We don't really have any culture in the o?ce. It would be nice if we made more of an e?ort to have breaks together or have Friday drinks after work to hang out and re?ect on the week. There are some employee lead initiatives that we have set up to socialise outside of work such as a bike club and climbing club. Overall I think culture would be the main thing that I would want the o?ce to improve on as it is very much lacking. It does not seem to be a priority of the business manager to make our o?ce a place with an inviting culture and they could do more to promote it or enable sta? to promote it.
Graduate, Queenstown - 09 Nov 2023
Each employee has a team leader who is our direct report and person to go to for most matters. In my team specifically we have weekly catchups where we discuss our week, support required, general wellbeing etc.
Graduate, Auckland - 30 Oct 2023
Everyone I work closely with is friendly, and the managerial people are available to chat when needed.
Graduate, Hamilton - 27 Oct 2023
Great team and wider Christchurch office personal and great out of work events.
Graduate, Christchurch - 26 Oct 2023
Company culture is outstanding with many events outside of work hours. The open plan office set up removes the feel of a strict hierarchy and makes it easy to ask a quick question of someone more senior.
Graduate, Christchurch - 26 Oct 2023
There is great company culture within each team and the company as a whole. For example, my team connects online every morning tea to catch up and do a Stuff Quiz together. We also host monthly team building events for people to socialise after hours. Other teams do similar team building activities, morning teas, community days and team lunches. There are whole company end of month lunches and after work drinks and nibbles. Overall, lots of great opportunities to collaborate and socialise at WSP! There is a clear structure and hierarchy within teams, areas and sectors at WSP. The organisation charts on MS Teams is helpful in seeing who sits in what team and the levels of other team members.
Graduate, Auckland - 26 Oct 2023
Very cooperative and inclusive environment. Most are very friendly. Hierarchy is defined but does not get in the way
Graduate, Hamilton - 25 Oct 2023
We have a graduate programme which organises events and things to do (2 grad trips each year/ gift vouchers to spend on grad organised after work events), my team often organise lunches/ drinks and have a catch-up meeting for 30 min every Monday morning which is nice to get to know your co-workers outside of the work schedule. There are also monthly lunches/ drinks for the office and random office events like a pub quiz/ volunteering day/ random day of the year things such as its international donut day there are donuts in the lunchroom. It's nice and people are friendly.
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Oct 2023
Overall very friendly and welcoming. A very diverse workplace culturally speaking which is nice. People across other departments/offices/countries are easily contactable and happy to help with questions etc.
Graduate, Wellington - 25 Oct 2023
Team culture is great, but organisational culture isn't as cohesive. Largely due to the size of the organisation.
Graduate, Christchurch - 25 Oct 2023
The company's outspoken focus on people and employees is shown through their employee benefits such as flexible working options and covered health insurance for all employees. There is a large social aspect with my direct team as we have regular team building events that take place outside of the workplace. Upper management of the company frequently connect with employees through town halls and nationwide sector meetings thus you become familiar with who they are.
Graduate, Christchurch - 25 Oct 2023