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Victoria University Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
People at Herbert Smith Freehills are able to produce their best legal work because they do so amongst a diverse and supportive workplace.

Brock Gunthorpe

  • Graduate stories

Courtney O’Donnell

  • Graduate stories
Don't be afraid to apply for jobs you think you have no shot at getting. You will surprise yourself.

Dave Parkinson

  • Graduate stories
I find it very satisfying and uplifting when a campaign, which I have created, performs well and our customers have reacted positively to it.

Kyah Burke

  • Graduate stories
Go and do work experience and get yourself some real hands-on knowledge of the industry

Kyle Costain

  • Graduate stories
Engage with your lecturers, tutors and peers regarding what careers you can pursue following your degree. I discovered entire new fields and organisations I never knew existed simply through talking to people at university!

Martin Campbell

  • Graduate stories
I choose Banking and Finance as I knew that I wanted to work on deals (rather than disputes) with an international element.

Munpreet Soomal

  • Graduate stories
Don’t feel so guilty about missing a few lectures here and there, if it means you are giving your mental health a much-needed break.

Samantha Hiller