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Victoria University Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
I really love the parts of my job where I can interact with customers through talking about their farms and businesses, as I love hearing other people’s ideas and getting to know what does and doesn’t work in the farming and business side of things.

Annabelle Plunkett

  • Day in the life

Annabelle Plunkett

Watch Annabelle walk us through his typical day as Ag Achiever Graduate at Rural Bank
  • Graduate stories
The people you work with, but also feeling you are positively contributing to your clients, who in my case are predominately hard-working farmers

Annie Matthews

  • Graduate stories
I love how I can think mentally and technically and be able to build any online server, OS and see it used by our customers and colleagues.

Brenton Fazzolari

  • Day in the life

Brenton Fazzolari

My responsibility is part of the graduation program in training and development to create and maintain servers for Essential Energy employees, contractors, and customers.
  • Day in the life

Brittany Bickford

Brittany Bickford studied a Bachelor of Agricultural Science at Charles Stuart University in 2016 and is an agribusiness relationship assistant at Rural Bank.
  • Graduate stories
The diversity in the systems and processes that I get to observe and interact with, for someone who is passionate about computer sciences and technology it truly is marvelous to see how various functions of the business get fed by the different systems all working in unison.

Dylan Sheaves

  • Day in the life

Dylan Sheaves

I work in the OTS department of Essential Energy, helping keep the lights on for the majority of NSW and parts of Queensland.