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  • 100 - 500 employees

Megan Anneveldt

Accountant Graduate at Fordham

Bachelor of Business (Professional Accountancy) at RMIT University

Preparing a graduate training session for the new starters to teach them how to prepare tax returns and use our system. 

6.45 AM

I reluctantly roll out of bed and into my sports gear, by 6.55 AM I am on my bike riding next to the Yarra River and enjoying another beautiful sunrise on my way to work.

Megan on her bike

7.45 AM

All showered and my bike locked up thanks to the newly renovated Rialto end of trip facilities, I am ready for the day. I head up to level twenty-nine and settle in with my first coffee for the day. 

8.00 AM

Head to an early morning firm training to learn about what is new in government tax legislation and how these rules may impact our clients. We have these training sessions every month, they ensure our tax advice is relevant and up to date.

Megan preparing for a morning meeting

10.00 AM

I have an annual compliance sign off meeting with my manager and partner, this involves a run through of clients’ financial reports and tax returns that have I have been working on. If all goes well the compliance job will be signed off by the partner and ready to present to the client!

Megan meeting with manager

10.30 AM

Preparing a graduate training session for the new starters to teach them how to prepare tax returns and use our system. Megan preparing to facilitate a training1

11.00 AM

Time to head down to Rustica Cafe on the ground floor of the Rialto for a coffee catch up with a partner from my team. This is a great chance to discuss professional and personal development in the firm or to get some important life advice from a well-seasoned professional.

Megan facilitating a training session

1.00 PM

Lunch time today is a Firm Social Committee meeting with something yummy provided, I put my hand up for social committee when I started at Fordham and it has been a fun experience so far organising firm events such as winery tours and meeting heaps of great people around the office. 

Megan during coffeebreak_0

2.00 PM

Time to finish off some tasks for the day, I have some client emails to respond to and a tax research task that involves looking into special CGT considerations for one of our clients. There is always something new to work on, no day is quite the same.

Megan at her desk

6.00 PM

Logging off, time to ride home and get some necessary exercise. 

7.00 PM

Off to Chinatown for dinner to get some dumplings with my work mates, social life is important to me and I like to maintain a good work life balance. 

11.00 PM

Tucked up in bed!